Also, Matt Smith, how dare you try to make me dislike you. So, it is good to know that I have not typecasted her. Jai's acting has improved (LOVE HIM/HOTTIE), Arnold is Arnold and for a moment I actually forgot that Emilia was Khaleesi/Daenery. Jai, Emilia and Arnold all complemented one another. Performance - I LOVED just LOVED everyone's acting in here. Although, I did not like what they did with John Connor because Christian Bale had played him once so I low-key liked him already. Back to the plot, it had so much going on, but I liked it because sometimes a messy, complicated story makes you think hard and gives you a more emotional impact. and how convenient it is that Matt Smith is in here to help with the messy story. (River is all I am going to say) you Doctor Who fans know what I am talking about. Storyline - I will admit this story was like Doctor Who.
#Fiwi movie movie#
I love a movie with a fair amount of action. I do not know why he had me laughing so much, but I enjoyed it. Comedy - Either I am a corny person or this movie was really that funny because I was cracking the fudge up !! I was having a field day with everyone's "jokes", especially Arnold's dry humor. Romance - There is not much of it, but Jai's and Emilia's chemistry was so evident. I am guessing it is because people loved the previous Terminators so much and this movie pretty much undoes everything. I had a certain amount of expectations going in, but I was not prepared to love it as much as I did. Romance: 3.5ĭVD Cover/Poster: 3.5 Yes, I am aware that I rated this higher than Jurrasic World, but I really love this movie. Thoughts: I am expecting a mindless amount of action and a little romance between Emilia and Jai (they look cute together). *I still miss Anakin.Ī 3.8 out of 5 - How badly I wanted to see this. I am waiting for the Star Wars movie that I can give an 8, 9 or 10.
Was it the best movie I have ever seen? No, but it was entertaining. The plot was simple and I had a good time. I liked all the new characters, especially Poe Dameron (my new favorite possible obsession). I understand that people are upset by this, but hey. The Force Awakens is the EXACT same movie as A New Hope. I guess everyone obsessed over different things/people in the movies and my obsession was Anakin/Darth and his bromance with Obi-Wan.
#Fiwi movie series#
The movie series were alright and I probably will not be rewatching the whole series from beginning to end. So, I was not caught up with the series by the time it came out, but I binged-watch all the movies and I have finally completed them on 01-24-16. I am still not caught up with this series, but I should be by the time this comes out. UPDATE: I LOVE THIS MOVIE !!! The first time was okau, but the second time I really loved it. Brutal, mind-numbing and borderline unwatchable Not the worst thing I've ever seen, but close OR complete crap but it did make me laugh (whether for the right reasons or not) 1/F – Dreadful One of the worst movie I have ever seen (rare movie rating) mental torture and it shouldn't exist completely unwatchableĬharacter Repeats Someone Else's Dialogue (21)ī+ 5 out of 5 - How badly I wanted to see this. Definitely not worth watching and could not have been rescued due to some fundamental flaw Acting or story was horrible, but there was one tiny little bit I may have liked 2/F - Awful. Getting bad, but still not to the level of absolute crap would never watch it again, but I don't entirely regret watching it not super awful, but not good 3/D - Bad. One thing that still peaked my interest not likely to watch again OR a movie that I watched all the way through and am completely indifferent or undecided how I felt about it some nice concepts but pretty badly exploited there's a good chance I didn't finish it 4/C-/ - Poor. Might watch again under the right circumstances some good ideas, maybe very good ideas sometimes but they just didn't nailed it it has a lot a flaws boring or bad at parts, but had good elements and aspects I appreciated 5/C - Fair/Average.
Nothing mind-blowing worth watching once some tiny flaw stopped this film from being a top notch it could have been better but I definitely had a good time 6/C+ - OK. A good, solid film there is originality or a unique twist I may have noticed some flaws that affected my enjoyment of it, but nothing major 7/B-/ - Good. There is almost nothing wrong with the film Solid all around, acting is top-notch it just lacks that 100% of enjoyment of a 10 star movie 8/B+/B - Great. Everything just fits and works out wonderfully (The Lord of the Rings)ĩ/A/A-/ - Excellent. Cut it down to 75 Movies the first 75 in order of how much I want to watch the movies Subject to change as trailers come out and change my opinions.